
An Overview of Infrastructure

Infrastructure is one of the most important parts of any community and nation. It consists of the various systems, facilities and buildings of a city, town, state, province and country. The design, construction and use of various forms of infrastructure is essential for any individual, business or government to function on a daily basis. When it comes to infrastructure, there are many different forms which include railroads, sewers, tunnels, power plants, electrical plants, water supplies and telecommunications. With the emergence of climate change, new infrastructure such as green energy has been discussed in an effort to preserve a high quality of life for the population worldwide.

Hard Infrastructure

The most obvious type of infrastructure is hard infrastructure which consists of the physical aspects. This includes things such as roads, bridges and railroads. These parts of infrastructure are vital to establishing the necessary networks to help with transportation and movement within a community. Since this type of infrastructure is very important, the design, development and management of hard infrastructure is essential to keeping any community prosperous and functional at all times.

Soft Infrastructure

Another key type of infrastructure is soft infrastructure which consists of the institutions that maintain the various parts of society. This includes the economy and economic activity, education, emergency services, law enforcement and the healthcare sector. With a high quality soft infrastructure, countries and communities can ensure safety and a high quality of life on a regular basis.

Classifications of Infrastructure


The personal classification of infrastructure consists of human capital. This includes resources developed, gathered and managed by groups such as individuals, businesses and governments. With personal infrastructure, a community can helps determine the success of an economy as well as public safety. Some examples of personal infrastructure includes construction companies, schools, educators and local police.


This form of infrastructure is what supports both economic and legal policies in a given community. Institutional infrastructure includes economic data and the policies that enable businesses and governments to formulate and execute their economic plans on a regular basis.


Sustainable infrastructure consists of both the design and the construction of various things such as roads, bridges and sewage systems. With sustainable infrastructure the focus is on developing systems that positively impact the economics, social and environmental aspects of a given community. Some examples of sustainable infrastructure include transportation systems, energy systems and water supplies. It also includes waste management and the accumulation and use of materials to build the structures of these systems.


Material infrastructure is the type of material goods available and used for the construction of various forms of hard infrastructure. With these materials, a given community manages the resources necessary to fulfill the social needs as well as the mass production of various goods and services. Some examples of material infrastructure include concrete, steel, masonry and asphalt.


One of the most important types of infrastructure is economic which consists of the various facilities and institutions that help operate the economy. These include distribution networks, energy systems and financial institutions. Each of these things contribute to the financial support in order to create roads, bridges and airports as well as improve them over time.


Another one of the more important types of infrastructure is social infrastructure. This includes both the construction and maintenance of facilities that are associated with social services which include schools, parks, law enforcement, waste disposal facilities and hospitals.

Engineering and Construction

When it comes to infrastructure, there is a process that must be undertaken in order to develop, design and build it over time. As a result, engineering and construction are some of the most vital activities in terms of making infrastructure a reality. There are many steps that are undertaken during this process in order to ensure that the ideal infrastructure is installed and established to benefit the community.


The first step in the process of creating infrastructure is the planning phase. This consists of government officials and business leaders meeting together to figure out what systems will be best for the community. These often include decisions on whether or not schools, roads, highways, bridges and airports will be built. It also includes hiring law enforcement and building hospitals in order to meet the needs of the public. During the planning phase, governments and businesses look for the best ways to build these systems as quickly as possible and maximize efficiency.


Once the initial planning is determined the next step in the process is designing the various systems of infrastructure. This includes coming up with a design for the roads, airports, schools and waste management systems. During the designing phase, engineers and architects will work toward determining the needs of the community and whether or not the geography of the area can support and sustain the various structures.


After designing the infrastructure, the next step is to build it. Over a span of two to five years, most of these facilities and structures will be completed. The building process includes gathering the materials and assembling the workers to actually build the various types of infrastructure. When this occurs, the engineers and architects supervise the projects in order to ensure that they get done properly and on time.


Lastly, governments and businesses will focus on maintaining the infrastructure in order to ensure that it continues to function properly and benefit the community. Maintenance includes cleanings, renovations, repairs and inspections. With proper maintenance, infrastructure of a given community can last for decades.

Sustainability of Infrastructure

In recent years, climate change has emerged as growing concern throughout the world. As a result, it has been determined that developing and building sustainable infrastructure will be vital to the future welfare of the world’s population. When it comes to developing and building sustainable infrastructure, governments and businesses must work together to make new and innovative systems that are environmentally safe. Some of these systems will consist of sustainability in the sewage systems, water systems, transportation, materials and energy sources. With the development of green infrastructure, the world’s population will be well prepared to maximize its quality of life in the future.

Infrastructure is one of the most important parts of any community and nation. It consists of the various systems, facilities and buildings of a city, town, state, province and country. The design, construction and use of various forms of infrastructure is essential for any individual, business or government to function on a daily basis. When it comes to infrastructure, there are many different forms which include railroads, sewers, tunnels, power plants, electrical plants, water supplies and telecommunications. With the emergence of climate change, new infrastructure such as green energy has been discussed in an effort to preserve a high quality of life for the population worldwide.

Hard Infrastructure

The most obvious type of infrastructure is hard infrastructure which consists of the physical aspects. This includes things such as roads, bridges and railroads. These parts of infrastructure are vital to establishing the necessary networks to help with transportation and movement within a community. Since this type of infrastructure is very important, the design, development and management of hard infrastructure is essential to keeping any community prosperous and functional at all times.

Soft Infrastructure

Another key type of infrastructure is soft infrastructure which consists of the institutions that maintain the various parts of society. This includes the economy and economic activity, education, emergency services, law enforcement and the healthcare sector. With a high quality soft infrastructure, countries and communities can ensure safety and a high quality of life on a regular basis.

Classifications of Infrastructure


The personal classification of infrastructure consists of human capital. This includes resources developed, gathered and managed by groups such as individuals, businesses and governments. With personal infrastructure, a community can helps determine the success of an economy as well as public safety. Some examples of personal infrastructure includes construction companies, schools, educators and local police.


This form of infrastructure is what supports both economic and legal policies in a given community. Institutional infrastructure includes economic data and the policies that enable businesses and governments to formulate and execute their economic plans on a regular basis.


Sustainable infrastructure consists of both the design and the construction of various things such as roads, bridges and sewage systems. With sustainable infrastructure the focus is on developing systems that positively impact the economics, social and environmental aspects of a given community. Some examples of sustainable infrastructure include transportation systems, energy systems and water supplies. It also includes waste management and the accumulation and use of materials to build the structures of these systems.


Material infrastructure is the type of material goods available and used for the construction of various forms of hard infrastructure. With these materials, a given community manages the resources necessary to fulfill the social needs as well as the mass production of various goods and services. Some examples of material infrastructure include concrete, steel, masonry and asphalt.


One of the most important types of infrastructure is economic which consists of the various facilities and institutions that help operate the economy. These include distribution networks, energy systems and financial institutions. Each of these things contribute to the financial support in order to create roads, bridges and airports as well as improve them over time.


Another one of the more important types of infrastructure is social infrastructure. This includes both the construction and maintenance of facilities that are associated with social services which include schools, parks, law enforcement, waste disposal facilities and hospitals.

Engineering and Construction

When it comes to infrastructure, there is a process that must be undertaken in order to develop, design and build it over time. As a result, engineering and construction are some of the most vital activities in terms of making infrastructure a reality. There are many steps that are undertaken during this process in order to ensure that the ideal infrastructure is installed and established to benefit the community.


The first step in the process of creating infrastructure is the planning phase. This consists of government officials and business leaders meeting together to figure out what systems will be best for the community. These often include decisions on whether or not schools, roads, highways, bridges and airports will be built. It also includes hiring law enforcement and building hospitals in order to meet the needs of the public. During the planning phase, governments and businesses look for the best ways to build these systems as quickly as possible and maximize efficiency.


Once the initial planning is determined the next step in the process is designing the various systems of infrastructure. This includes coming up with a design for the roads, airports, schools and waste management systems. During the designing phase, engineers and architects will work toward determining the needs of the community and whether or not the geography of the area can support and sustain the various structures.


After designing the infrastructure, the next step is to build it. Over a span of two to five years, most of these facilities and structures will be completed. The building process includes gathering the materials and assembling the workers to actually build the various types of infrastructure. When this occurs, the engineers and architects supervise the projects in order to ensure that they get done properly and on time.


Lastly, governments and businesses will focus on maintaining the infrastructure in order to ensure that it continues to function properly and benefit the community. Maintenance includes cleanings, renovations, repairs and inspections. With proper maintenance, infrastructure of a given community can last for decades.

Sustainability of Infrastructure

In recent years, climate change has emerged as growing concern throughout the world. As a result, it has been determined that developing and building sustainable infrastructure will be vital to the future welfare of the world’s population. When it comes to developing and building sustainable infrastructure, governments and businesses must work together to make new and innovative systems that are environmentally safe. Some of these systems will consist of sustainability in the sewage systems, water systems, transportation, materials and energy sources. With the development of green infrastructure, the world’s population will be well prepared to maximize its quality of life in the future.